ARMR™ - An immersive Extended Reality (XR) education environment with embedded Artificial Intelligence training support aids.

The Armed Forces have a national defense-related mission need in the area of mobilizing an Immersive Artificial Intelligence (AI) Framework allowing Warfighters, experts and trainers to rapidly create immersive content and then systematically and objectively quantify the efficacy of Augmented Reality (AR)-enabled simulations. There is an opportunity to enhance mission training functions by implementing an immersive Extended Reality (XR) education environment with embedded AI training support aids. ARMR is a robust XR training capability with embedded AI that accelerates the creation of adaptable, scalable, intuitive and measurable training solutions for mission command environments.


ARMR™ is based on a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) that delivers standardized training data to a heterogeneous environment of emerging display platforms. ARMR provides real-time, tactical and non-tactical training data to a dynamic set of immersive display technologies through platform and device agnostic interfaces. It is built on top of industry best practices in information assurance (IA) to mitigate costly data spillage.

ARMR integrates an AI-based framework built around a deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture that provides the ability to automatically detect and identify targets of interest.

ARMR leverages the power of the deep CNN classification and identification algorithm to initially determine if there is a target of interest via the immersive display. Embedding the AI platform with ARMR provides the trainee additional training aides to enhance the training experience.

ARMR is a robust XR training capability with embedded AI to accelerate the creation of immersive mission training solutions.

  • Application instantiations operate in standalone or unified configurations across separated locations
  • Platform independence supports current and next generation immersive display platforms.
  • Streamlines data by leveraging industry vetted data interchange formats to provide training data, full motion video, and static imagery.
  • State-of-the-art security protects data from both inadvertent and malicious intrusions, minimizing security incidents.

System Requirements

CPU Intel Core 2 or AMD Athlon 6 (or better)
Memory (RAM) 64-bit System: 16GB minimum
32-bit System: 8GB minimum
Operating System(s) Ubuntu 16.04 or higher, RedHat 7
Graphics Card Standard
Minimum Screen Resolution 1280 x 720 pixels
Storage 256GB

Product Details

Manufacturer Archarithms, Inc.
Product Name ARMR™
Version 2020
Manufacturer Part # A2020E
Product Type Single License
Platform Linux
Shipping Method Digital Delivery (or DVDs)


ARMR security features include role-based login, application authentication and message encryption. Further, the ARMR Application Programmer’s Interface (API) operates inside a container isolating the API from the rest of the system as an extra layer of security, while ensuring the software does not conflict with other required system dependencies.

Arcarithm provides required training on how to operate ARMR, and how to understand the output, with onsite training available. A training manual is provided with each ARMR license, and Arcarithm provides call center support as well.

Request A Demo Of Arcarithm's Immersive Technology

Arcarithm is in the business of developing innovative solutions to solve the hardest problems. Please get in touch to learn how we can add value to your mission.

1002 Meridian Street N
Huntsville, Alabama 35801


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